Thursday 1 December 2011

Act 3 Mercutio

Dear Diary,
I write from my new position floating as a spirit in God's heaven. I was lucky to get inside heaven, since I was not the most Christian man Verona has known, nevertheless, here I am. I fell to a Capulet's blade, that of the damned Tybalt. Benvolio and I had been out in the square on a remarkably hot day when yet another skirmish broke out between the two families. I have no longer any love for the Montagues for it is Romeo's fault, I was stabbed in the chest from under his arm. Only a true coward would strike when the fight had ended, that bastard Tybalt! My last breath was taken on Verona's cobblestones, too early but it hadn't been taken before wishing plagues on the two houses. I had overseen that Tybalt was beaten by Romeo in the ensuing swordfight. I had lost all my respect for Romeo when I had been stabbed, but some had been gained when he slew Tybalt, much to my surprise. There had been somewhat of a brouhaha after the two deaths. My uncle, Prince Escalus, was called upon to bring justice to the situation. He ruled Romeo exile, although he should have given him death, for that is what he gave me. I hope his love for Rosaline continues in the pathetic manner it is now. And with that I bid farewell till Verona gives me more to write about.


  1. Poor, poor Mercutio, nobody deserve to die at an age that is so young, but your death was avenged by the hands of Romeo, and I also am saddened by the death of Tybalt, the one who Romeo slew.

  2. Oh dear Mercutio, I am so sorry to see you pass. You were my greatest friend. I hope you find your peace and find it in your heart to forgive us as well as Romeo, he did not mean to harm you, only to stop the fray to keep you from harm - Benvolio Montague

  3. You poor boy to be taken into the hands of heaven at such a young age. My prayers and thoughts are with you my son. May your life in the clouds be all you wish it to be, and don't you worry, I'll take good care of Romeo.

  4. R.I.P. I will miss you dearly and there will be hell to pay with the Montagues.

  5. Good riddance, I never liked your jokes anyways

  6. I actually am very sorry to hear about your death. The wrong person took the punishment, it should be Romeo up in heaven right now.
