Friday 20 January 2012

Mercutio: Act 5

Welcome to Mercutio's alternate ending.

I am looking upon this scene from my comfortable chair in heaven. Apparently I cannot replay the fight between Tybalt and myself, so this won't be exactly what I want. Romeo and Juliet's sappy wedding blah blah blah. They ride off in a carraige blah blah blah. Things like this bore me let's throw in a bandit raid on the coach the two lovers are in. The bandits have a spirited battle with Romeo and the coach driver until the bandits leave defeated and without gold. The coach makes it to Verona to drop off Juliet unseen and leaves Romeo at the church. The church is then attacked by a gang of scoundrels in rags with meat cleavers. Again Romeo valiantly fends them off. Romeo returns to his house and sees that his mansion is being attacked yet again by another band of peasants. He enters the altercation and gets into a swordfight with one. Benvolio comes to stop the fight and Romeo is stabbed underneath Benvolio's arm. The end.

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