Monday 21 November 2011

Act 1

Act 1

Dear diary,
Today I witnessed my good friend Romeo's family, the Montagues, fight their nemesis, the Capulets. Romeo was not involved and as far as I know only house servants were injured. These two families are wrecking my beautiful Verona, and this nonsense needs to stop. They act like children fighting in a playground! I wish Romeo would step up and do something .Another thing, Romeo has been acting rather strange lately and I have not quite gotten to the bottom of the problem. I suspect there could be a woman in his fancy and he seems to be avoiding Benvolio and myself. Could it be he is ashamed of her? Is he reaching beyond his means? Is she an unsuitable damsel? I can only imagine until I finally speak to him again whom this lady is. Romeo never lived a secluded life but now he seems to have taken one up. I am thinking of suggesting he take his mind off of his maiden's head, by losing his.

Dear diary,
A strange thing has come about today; I've been invited to Lord and Lady Capulet's annual party. I assumed I would not be invited to this masquerade since I am deeply associated with the Montagues. The ongoing feud of these two families consistently confuses me. They are both rich and in high society, if I were them I’d marry my sons and daughters to each other and become even richer! I won’t have any friends at this Capulet ball; it’ll be a sad and lonely affair. Perhaps they only invited me to inspire jealousy in the Montagues! I am thoroughly confused by the invitation, I am not friends with any of the Capulets, and fully on the contrary, I do not like them! This party will be interesting if nothing else.